As a minimalist in many aspects of my life, I love bringing minimalist designs to fashion and nail art. Aside from looking incredibly stylish and gives you a lot of creative freedom to fit your own style.
I could keep filling this list every single day with all the styles I come across but I’ve tried to restrain myself to the top 40 minimalist line art designs giving you a broad idea of a lot of different takes on the style. You can take inspiration from these designs or, if you see something you like enough, copy them for yourself.
Minimalist Line Nail Art Tutorial
One of the (many) advantages of this style is that it’s something you can do for yourself. Especially compared to something more detailed (like spider web nails for example).
I do hope this has given you some ideas for minimalist line nail art If you give this a go – I want to see it! Send me a photo of your minimalist nails and we’ll feature them here.
Our inspiration photos come from user submissions and open sources and we’ll always give credit. All of the fantastic styles belong to their respective owners. If we’ve got a credit wrong or you’d rather we don’t feature you – just drop us an email.